Grade 8 In-School Farewell

Grade 8 In-School Farewell
6/23/2021, 1:00 PM 3:30 PM

Hello Grade 8 SMS families,


We are now able to have homeroom celebrations in our gym. Each homeroom will have a period of time in the gym during that afternoon.

This event supports Covid-19 protocol.

Each student will have an individual opportunity to come to the front and:
 Receive farewell certificate
 Receive rooftop photo keepsake
 Have a picture taken of them with their 2 cohort teachers in a staged photo opportunity. Masks can be removed for this photo when protocol is followed. You will receive a copy of this photo
 Pick up their physical award if they are a recipient
 Listen to brief words by teachers in summary of their class/year
 A random gift card prize draw for each of the 4 classes

Due to restrictions, we unfortunately cannot invite family members for this event.
The logistics of this farewell event may change if provincial requirements change.

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