Parents » Weather



Sunrise School Division is concerned about the safety of our students and employees. We will consider a number of factors and variables when dealing with adverse weather conditions. The safety of students will be the primary consideration in cancelling bus transportation.
Sunrise School Division operations can be closed due to the following weather-related concerns:
Extreme Road Conditions (Blizzard warnings, ice-covered or snow-blocked roads, etc.)
Bus operations suspended
All sites closed to students and staff
Weather Conditions That Meet:
-35 degrees Celsius or colder (without wind chill)
-45 degrees Celsius or colder (with wind chill)

Sunrise bus operation suspensions and school closures are determined by region:
Region 1:
Agassiz Adult Education
Anola School
École Beausejour Early Years
École Dugald School
École Edward Schreyer School
Gillis School
Hazelridge School
Oakbank Elementary
Springfield Adult Learning Centre
Springfield Collegiate
Springfield Middle School
Region 2:
Centennial School
Lac du Bonnet Senior School
New Directions
Whitemouth School
Region 3:
École Powerview School

We will make every effort to make a decision regarding bus cancellations and school closures between 6 and 6:45 a.m.
Notification of school closings due to hazardous weather or other emergencies/circumstances will be announced by an automated phone call, on local radio, television stations and on the Division’s website.

Cancellations and closures will be announced on the following radio stations:
CJOB 786-3421
QX104 944-1031
CTV 775-8016
CFAM/CHSM Steinbach 346-5333 or 326-3737
Virgin 103.1 780-9467
Sagkeeng Wolf FM 367-2448
CBC 788-3641

Cold Weather and Recess:
There will be days on which schools are open and yet temperatures are still cold. Students are to stay inside if temperatures exceed -28 degrees Celsius with or without the wind chill. The principal will make the final decision to keep students inside. We ask that you always dress your child appropriately for the weather.