April 28th - Grade 5 coming into Grade 6 Orientation/Open House 6:00- 6:45pm
May 3rd - Divisional Badminton Crossovers
May 4th - Blanket Exercise in Gym - Room 214
May 6th - Blanket Exercise in Gym - Room 101
May 9th - PD Day - No School for students
May 12th - Bus Evacuation 9:00 - 9:30 am - Bus Loop
May 13th - Manitoba Museum Field Trip - Grade 6
May 14th - Sunrise Esport Rocket League Tournament- Dugald School 9:30 - 4:30 pm
May 16th - Youth Parliament - Grade 6, 7 & 8
May 18th - Youth Parliament - Grade 6, 7 & 8
May 19th - Cross Country?
May 19th - Grade 8 - Goldeyes Game
May 20th - Spring Concert Rehearsals in the Gym
- Grade 6 - Periods 5 & 6
- Grade 7 Periods 1 & 2
- Grade 8 Periods 3 7 4
Set Up: 8:00am
Tear Down: Period 7 Band Class
May 26th - Outdoor Spring Concert - 7 pm start
Dress Rehearsals Outside
- Grade 6 - Periods 5 & 6
- Grade 7 Periods 1 & 2
- Grade 8 Periods 3 & 4
- Jazz - Period 7
Set up: 7:00am
Tear Down: After the concert
**If it rains on this day, we would have the dress rehearsals as full band rehearsals in the gym
May 25th - Overnight Ukrainian Language Camp - Grade 6
May 26th - Ukrainian Language Camp
May 31st - Rain Date for Spring Concert
Dress Rehearsals outside
- Grade 6 - Periods 5 & 6
- Grade 7 - Periods 1 & 2
- Grade 8 - Periods 3 & 4
- Jazz - Period 7
Set up: 7:00 am
Tear Down: After the concert
**If it rains on this day, as well as on our scheduled spring concert, we will use the dress rehearsals as recording times in the gym
May 27th - SMS Track & Field - Grade 6, 7 & 8
May 27th - Grade 6 - Badminton Tournament
May 31st - Team Photos (Tentative)