Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

Good Morning!!
Today is Day 3
Calling all Master chef participants??  We are making a Recipe book with all the recipes that were made this year at Master chef.  Please submit your recipes to Mrs. Kouk as soon as possible.
Intramurals:  Grade 6 - Long Jump/Triple Jump
Grade 8 - Art students, please hand in your permission slips as you have your field trip tomorrow!
Grade 7 - Beach Volleyball Practice tomorrow from 12 - 1:00.  Do Not forget to hand in those permission slips!
May 15th - 17th - Grade 8 & Jazz Moose Jaw Trip - Grade 8 Concert Band
Good Luck to the Grade 8's heading to Moose Jaw!
We wish you the best of luck and we know you will represent SMS exceptionally well.
Please Lock your bikes.  Also, be responsible when coming to school and when leaving.
We will begin practicing for track & field events at lunch time either in the gym, or outside!
Take a look at the schedule outside the gym doors to find out when your grade/gender has time to practice each of these events before SMS Field Day on Friday, May 31st.
These opportunities are meant to supplement what you will be doing in Phys-Ed classes this month and give you lots of opportunities to practice before the big day.
No need to sign up for these days, just bring your gym clothes and most importantly gym shoes, socks and crocs do not count, even if they are in "sport mode"
May Intramurals:
May 13th - Grade 8 Girls - High Jump
May 14th - Grade 8 Boys - High Jump
May 15th - Grade 6 - Long Jump/Triple Jump
May 16th - Grade 7 - Long Jump/Triple Jump
May 17th - Grade 8 - Long Jump/Triple Jump
May 21st - Grade 6 - Shotput/Discus
May 22nd - Grade 7 - Shotput/Discus
May 23rd - Grade 8 - Shotput/Discus
May 27th - Grade 6 - High Jump
May 28th - Grade 7 - High Jump
May 29th - Grade 8 - High Jump
May 31st - SMS Track & Field
Bike riders or scooter riders, please be aware of cars in the parking lot, use common sense when travelling to school or home from school.  What out for cars do not dart out in front of a car!
Please be respectful when watching the Intramurals!!
If you continue to throw paper in the Chill Room, you will loose the privilege's of the room
If you are using any equipment at lunch, please bring the equipment back into the school.  Once it is gone, it is gone, you need to take care of the equipment!!
Please Always Remember to Check 3 - Respect Yourself, Respect Others and Respect Our Environment
Have a great day!!!! 
2024 Summer Volley, presents the 25th Annual Volleyball Camp, August 12th - August 30th , 2024
Summer Volley and Positional Camp - 14 Sessions to choose from
MBCI Blue Gym
Mike Burchuk @ 204-479-9324 or [email protected] or
See your Phys. Ed teacher for applications
May 15th - 17th - Grade 8 & Jazz Moose Jaw Trip - Grade 8 Concert Ban
May 16th - Grade 8 - Art Students - Zoo in the AM and The Leaf (PM) Field Trip
May 16th - Bump Up Day
May 17th - TAG - Battle - 11:20 - 12:00 Gym
May 20th - Victoria Day - No School
May 23rd - Community Clean Up 1:00 - 2:30 followed by hot dogs, pictures and activity - all afternoon
May 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th - Grade 8 - Ukrainian Students- Vegreville Trip
May 24th - Spring Concert Rehearsals - Grade 6 - Period 5 & 6
May 24th - Spring Concert Rehearsals - Grade 7 - Period 1 & 2
May 27th - SMS Jazz Band students @ 1:50PM will head over to SCI to watch the Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra perform, students will be dismissed at 3:30PM from SCI
May 28th - Spring Concert Rehearsals - Grade 7 - Period 1 & 2
May 28th - Spring Concert Rehearsals - Grade 8 - Period 4
May 29th - Spring Concert Rehearsals - Grade 6 - Period 6 & 7
May 30th - Spring Concert Dress Rehearsals:
                 Grade 6 - Period 2
                 Grade 7 - Period 3
                 Grade 8 - Period 4
                 Jazz - Period 5
May 30th - Spring Band/Jazz Concert & BBQ - All Grades - All Concert Bands & Jazz Band - 7:00PM@ SMS Parking Lot
May 31st - Track & Field Day @ SMS
June 3rd - TAG - Room
June 3rd - Grade 8 - ELA Exam - Periods 1,2,3
June 5th - TAG Trip - 9:45 - 2:30PM (TBD)
June 6th - Team Photos - Part 2 - AM
June 7th - Beach Volleyball Tournament @ DMCI
June 10th - Grade 8 - Math Exams - Period 1,2,3
June 11th - SAC MY South Track & Field @ Selkirk
June 13th - SAC MY South Track & Field @ Selkirk - Rain Date
June 14th - TAG - Battle with Check 3 TV
June 17th - Guest Presenter in Room 102 - AM ( Room 102 Specific)
June 17th - Burnstick Performance *tentative* - Grade 6 - 8
June 18th - SAC MY South Softball @ EESS
June 19th - SAC MY South Softball @ EESS - Rain Date
June 19th - Marlena Muir - Artist Workshop - Grade 6 - 8 art students - 1 hour sessions
June 20th - Grade 8 Farewell Evening
June 24th - Grade 8 - End of Year Field Trip
June 25th - Grade 8 - Field Day @ SMS
June 25th - SAC AGM @ 9AM
June 25th - OBE Farewell Assembly - AM
June 27th - SMS Awards @ 9:15 in Gym
June 27th - Early Dismissal for students @ 2:30
June 28th - Admin Day - No School for students