Good morning!!
Today is Day 5!
Today in the Library and Computer Lab is Grade 6- Room 102, 103 & Room 214 at 12:20 - 1:00, and if you have homework please come into the library at 12:20 - 1:00 to do homework.
Reminder for Intramurals, the doors lock at 12:30 and you need to be in the gym by that time to either participate or watch from the bleachers. We can't have people coming in & out all the time while the games are going on so we do not interrupt the games going on in the gym.
Use your locks on your lockers, so things do not go missing from your lockers
From 12:20 to 1:00PM when you are in your designated places that you chose to be, if it is your day in the library or computer lab or gym or outside, you MUST stay there until 1:00PM no exceptions!!!
Wear warm winter clothes, the weather is getting colder and snowy.
Room 208 & Room 206 are now eating in your classroom
I LOVE TO READ and I LOVE TO WIN! Each I LOVE TO READ period, your teacher will be on the lookout for exceptional readers:
-Share what you are reading
-Get "Lost" in a book
-try a new format or genre
-persist & persevere
Have your name entered to win one of 4 weekly prizes or get spotted by a prize monitor and win instantly
We are doing our "Match Our Staff To Their Favorite Book" Contest, make sure you give it your best guesses!! It is by the water fountain by the office!! Good Luck!!
Students of SMS - We are missing lots of books from our library. I understand everybody loves to read, but we also need our books to share with others and other schools as well. Please check at home and in your lockers and backpacks for any books from our library. Remember you need to sign your books out as well.
If you are interested in buying a heart for someone you appreciate please come to Room 205 at first and last break to purchase a heart from the Panther Entrepreneurs!!
First ticket winner for I LOVE TO READ is Noah Kasprick!!
Second ticket winner is Jeremie LaRoque!!!
Indoor at noon, the MPR and Foyer are available for the 12:20 - 1:00 break.
Interested in entering an act in this year's talent show?
Do you have a talent or skill that you might be able to share?
Examples of past talents include:
Dance, singing, magic tricks, comedy routines, specialty sports demonstrations.
Not sure that your skill is a performance? Come talk to Mrs. Pinkowski about how to make it work.
Come to an information meeting on Wednesday at 12:00 in the art room!
I LOVE TO READ - Period 3
Intramurals today: Floor Hockey Room 100 vs Room 101
Festival du Voyager students there is a brief meeting in Room 206 at first break.
Grade 7 boys both teams there is a meeting at first break in the gym
Permission slips for Festival du Voyager and Assessippi Ski trip get them in ASAP
Any of Mr. Mac's students that still need to complete the heart test please see Mr. Mac.
We have 3 winners for our "match Our Staff to their favorite book" Ella Penman, Kate Martin, and Britta Toews. Although the girls did a few guesses, they did it as a team. Please see Ms. Moroz for your prizes. The contest continues! Get your guesses in!!
We are looking for donations for our donation tree. Socks, toques, scarves jackets
DO NOT BE LATE FOR YOUR CLASSES!! When the bells go you must get to your classes.
Food is available out of Room MPR from 8:30- 8:45, if you need a little bit of food and missed breakfast. You can also ask at the office. Start your day with a full tummy!!!
If you are a bus student, please do not stand on the fence while waiting for a bus
Please always remember to Check 3 - Respect Yourself, Respect Others and Respect our Environment
Have a terrific day!!
February Practice Schedule:
February 18th - Grade 7 Girls basketball - 7:30AM
Grade 8 Boys basketball - 3:30 - 5:00
February 19th - Grade 7 Boys basketball - 7:30AM
Grade 7 & 8 Girls basketball Dugald @ SMS
February 20th - Grade 8 Boys basketball - 7:30AM
Grade 8 Girls basketball - 3:30 - 5:00
February 21st - Grade 7 Girls basketball - 7:30AM
Grade 8 Girls basketball - 3:30 - 5:00
February 22nd - Grade 7 Boys basketball @ Steinbach Christian
February 24th - Grade 7 Boys basketball - 3:30 - 5:00
February 25th - Grade 7 Girls basketball - 3:30 - 5:00
February 26th - Grade 7 Boys basketball - 7:30AM
Grade 8 Boys basketball @ Dugald
Grade 7 Boys basketball @ SMS
February 27th - Grade 8 Boys basketball - 7:30AM
Grade 8 Girls basketball - 3:30 - 5:00
February 28th - Grade 7 Girls basketball - 7:30AM
March 1st - Grade 8 Boys basketball @ John Gunn
Grade 8 Girls basketball - Lockport Tournament
Grade 7 Boys - Tier 2 @ John Gunn
SPRING FULL BAND REHEARSALS, Dress Rehearsals & Concert Schedule:
Grade 6:
Friday, March 28th - Day 3 - Period 2 Only
Monday, April 7th - Day 4 - Period 6 & 7
Tuesday, April 8th - Day 5 - Band/Art Info Session with Grade 5 students 9:00 - 10:00AM in gym
Wednesday, April 9th - Day 6 - Period 6 & 7
Friday, April 11th - Trip
Grade 7:
Thursday, April 17th - Day 6 - Period 6 & 7
Friday, April 25th - Day 5 - Period 1 & 2
Monday, April 28th & Tuesday, April 29th - Trip
Grade 8:
Friday, May 9th - Day 3 - Period 1 & 2
Tuesday, May 13th - Day 5 - Period 5 & 6
Wednesday, May 14th - Friday May 16th - Trip
Grade 6:
Tuesday, May 13th - Day 4 - Period 1 & 2
Wednesday, May 21st - Day 4 - Period 6 & 7
Grade 7:
Friday, May 9th - Day 3 - Period 5 & 6
Wednesday, May 21st - Period 2 & 3
Grade 8:
Tuesday, May 20th - Day 3 - Period 4
Grade 6 - Thursday, May 22nd - Day 1 - Period 2
Grade 7 - Thursday, May 22nd - Day 1 - Period 4
Grade 8 - Thursday, May 22nd - Day 1 - Period 5
Jazz - Thursday, May 22nd - Day 1 - Period 6
Thursday, May 22nd @ 7:00PM SMS Parking Lot
February 19th - Math Contest - Grade 8 - Period 2- Computer Lab(selected students) Day 6
February 19th - Math Contest - Grade 7 - Period 3 - Computer Lab(selected students) - Day 6
February 20th - I LOVE TO READ -Period 3
February 20th - Grade 8 - Festival du Voyager (30 students only)
February 20th - Grade 7 - Festival du Voyager (30 students only)
February 21st - Grade 6 - Festival du Voyager (all grade 6 students)
February 24th - I LOVE TO READ - Period 3
February 25th - Math Contest - Grade 6 - Period 4 - Computer Lab -(selected students)
February 26th - I LOVE TO READ - Period 3
February 28th - I LOVE TO READ - Period 3
February 28th - Scholastic Challenge - Grade 8 (Day 1) - Period 5 & 6 - Computer Lab
March ? – Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra Workshop & Concert – TBD
March 4th - Grade 7 & 8 Girls basketball south playoff @ ESS (All day event)
March 7th - I LOVE TO READ wrap up - Period 3 & 4
March 11th – MY BBall Crossovers in the north
March 11th - Grade 8 Robb Nash Concert
March 13th – March 14th – Brandon Jazz Festival -Jazz Band Students Only
March 14th – Report Cards go home
March 19th - TAG - 10:35 - 10:50 in your TAG rooms
March 19th - Band Fundraiser - 1:00 - 3:30PM in Mpr & 3:30 - 7:00PM is pickup
March 20th – March 21st – Grade 8 – Assessippi Ski Trip
March 20th – Parent/Teacher Conferences – 4:00PM – 8:00PM
March 21st – Parent/Teacher Conferences – 9:00AM – 12:00PM
March 21st – PD/Admin Day (No School for students)
March 26th - Grade 8 Farewell Photos - 9:00 -2:00PM (Library)
March 28th - TAG - Battle - Period 4
March 31st – April 4th – Spring Break
April 8th - Band/Art Presentation - 9:00 - 10:25am - (9:30 start)
April 11th - Grade 6 Band Day - Grade 6 Concert Band Only
April 11th - Grade 6 - Art Students Away - Art Gallery
April 16th - TAG - 10:35 - 10:50 - in your TAG rooms
April 18th – Good Friday (No School)
April 21st – Admin/PD Day (No School for students)
April 23rd - Grade 6 - Badminton Field Trip
April 25th - TAG - Battle - Period 4
April 28th – April 29th – Grade 7 Brandon Trip – Grade 7 Concert Band Only
April 29th - Grade 7 - Art Students Away - Art Gallery Altea Active
April 30th -MY Badminton South @ Prairie Badminton
May 7th – SAC MY Badminton Crossovers @ Prairie Badminton
May 7th - Youth Parliament
May 8th - Youth Parliament
May 8th - TAG - 10:35 - 10:50 - in your TAG rooms
May 8th - Grade 5 coming to Grade 6 orientation/Open House - 6:00 - 7:00PM
May 12th – PD Day/EA PD (No school for students)
May 14th - Grade 8 Art students away- Zoo & Leaf
May 14th – to May 16th – Grade 8 Moose Jaw Trip – Grade 8 Concert Band Only
May 19th – Victoria Day (No School)
May 22nd - Spring Band Concert @ 7:00PM @ SMS Parking Lot
May 23rd - TAG - Battle Finale - Period 4
May 28th - TAG - House
May 30th – Grade 5/6 Co-ed Soccer South
June 4th - TAG Trip - Goldeyes Game
June 5th - Grade 8 - ELA Exam - AM
June 6th – Beach Volleyball @ Sargent Park
June 9th - Grade 8 - Math Exam - AM
June 10th – South Track & Field @ Selkirk
June 12th – South Track & Field @ Selkirk – Rain Date
June 16th – Grade 6 – 3x3 Basketball
June 17th – Grade 7/8 Slo Pitch
June 18th – MY South Softball @ ESS/Dugald
June 19th - Grade 8 - Farewell Evening
June 19th – Grade 7/8 Slo Pitch – Rain Date
June 20th - Grade 5 Orientation/Tour (OBE & Hazelridge)
June 25th - Grade 6 - Amazing Race and Battle - All Day @ SMS
June 25th – South Softball – Rain Date
June 26th - Report Cards go home
June 27th - Admin Day - No School for students